3 Hours, 3 Episodes + 30 Viral Style Social Clips Package


Capture 3 episodes in 3 hours of filming + editing included.

We also edit and include 30+ viral style short clips:
1 for every day of the month to boost your social media!

Get final edits in your email within 2-3 days.



Film 3 episodes, in 3 hours!

$990+tax in total value!


  • 3 Hours of filming in our studio Downtown Toronto

  • 3 professionally edited long-form videos 30-60 minutes each

  • Production engineer included


  • 30 short-form video clips for social media (30s-60s each) $450 in value

Total value $990

Right now $575+tax

The price for this package will go up on Thursday August 1, 2024 at 11:59pm.

Money back guarantee included

Our Awesome Clients

Toronto Podcasts

309 Cherry St, Toronto,
Ontario, M5A 3L3



Let’s find out how to work together and create something meaningful